Package nl.colorize.multimedialib.stage

package nl.colorize.multimedialib.stage
  • Class
    Describes the alignment with which a text should be displayed.
    2D sprite animation that shows a number of images in sequence.
    Describes an audio clip that has been loaded by the renderer.
    Represents a color built out of red, green, and blue components.
    Display object that acts as a container for holding 2D graphics.
    Attached to a Graphic2D and used by the renderer to determine when and how this graphic should be displayed.
    Describes a TrueType or FreeType font that can be used by the renderer to draw text.
    Describes a font's visual appearance.
    Shared interface for all types of 2D graphics that are part of the scene graph.
    Describes image data for an image that has been loaded by the renderer.
    Properties for one of the animations defined in a PolygonModel.
    An instance of a 3D polygon model that can added to the stage.
    Draws a graphical primitive to the screen.
    Static or animated image that can be displayed on the stage.
    Packs a number of images into a larger image, with each image existing as a named region.
    The stage contains all graphics that are part of the current scene.
    Visitor interface that visits all graphics currently on the stage, visiting them in the order in which they should be drawn.
    Draws text to the screen using the specified TrueType font.
    Defines the list of transformation properties that should be applied to graphics when displaying them.
    Transformation matrix that controls how a 3D polygon model is displayed on the stage.
    Read-only interface for reading Transform properties.
    Access to all 3D graphicson the stage, only avalailable when using a renderer that supports 3D graphics.