Package nl.colorize.multimedialib.renderer.teavm

package nl.colorize.multimedialib.renderer.teavm
  • Class
    Contains the API for calling JavaScript functions using TeaVM.
    Provides access to the browser's DOM contents.
    Renders graphics using the HTML canvas API.
    Bridge to the parts of the PeerJS interface that are implemented in JavaScript.
    Implements the PeerConnection interface in Java, which is then bridged to the PeerJS implementation in JavaScript via TeaVM.
    Semi-generic JavaScript function callback that can be used to return the result of an asynchronous operation that can either succeed or fail.
    Plays audio clips using the HTML5 media API that is supported by all modern browsers.
    Base interface for the different JavaScript graphics frameworks supported by the TeaVM renderer.
    Image implementation that is based on an HTML img element.
    Captures browser events for various input methods, and makes them accessible from the animation loop.
    Delegates media loading to the browser.
    Sends HTTP requests by delegating them to JavaScript and sending them as AJAX requests.
    Renderer based on TeaVM that is transpiled to JavaScript and runs in the browser.